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Ginto Residences

比羅夫/ Hirafu

Land / 土地


物件 About

Land Area / 土地面積: 2,007m² (607.1 坪)

位於(Ginto)森林中。Ginto Estate位於一個寧靜的池塘旁,羊蹄山(Mt. Yotei)作為一幅田園詩般的背景。加上環繞整個開發區的松樹,人們感受到自然的環繞。

擁有羊蹄山如畫的景觀,又能方便地步行至比羅夫(Hirafu)市中心,保證值得投資。Ginto Village的房產提供一條龍契約,確保設計相輔相成,維護村莊連貫感。

價格:美元 2,200,000

Nestled amongst the lush forest of Ginto, these lots of land offer the rare combination of privacy and accessibility.Nestled amongst the lush forest of Ginto, these lots of land offer the rare combination of privacy and accessibility.  Ginto Estates is set against a serene pond, while Mt. Yotei serves as an idyllic backdrop. Factor in the pinewood trees encircling the entire development, and one feels enveloped by nature.  With a picturesque view of Mt. Yotei, coupled with the convenience of being a brisk stroll from the heart of Hirafu, these properties are guaranteed to be a worthwhile investment. Ginto Village properties will be guided by a set of covenants that ensure complimentary design and sense of elegantly considered village continuity.  Price: USD 2,200,000

詳情請聯繫 Enquiry


Tony Tso 曹先生 (ソウ)


Tel / Whatsapp:
(+81) 70-2307-1477


詳細 Details 

●種類 Type

Land / 土地

​●地区 Region

比羅夫/ Hirafu



0m²(0 坪)

●総戸(部屋)数/ Rooms



2,007m² (607.1 坪)

● 所在地 ​ Address

Japan, 〒044-0087 北海道虻田郡倶知安町ニセコひらふ4条3丁目10−31

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